Flounder Secrets and Facts

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Flounder Secrets and Facts

The flounder is a type of flat fish, numbering about 30 species of flounder that can be found in the tropical and temperate coastal waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Interesting facts about flounde

Habitat and Conservatio

Flounder lives at the bottom of the ocean. It usually inhabits areas near coral reefs, bridge piles and docks. Although most species prefer coastal waters, some types of falters can be found as deep as 35,000 feet. Despite the great pollution of the sea, the excessive commercial fishing, and the wild population, the flounder population is still large and stabl

The flounder is a type of flat fish, numbering about 30 species of flounder that can be found in the tropical and temperate coastal waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Interesting facts about flounder:

Habitat and Conservation

Flounder lives at the bottom of the ocean. It usually inhabits areas near coral reefs, bridge piles and docks. Although most species prefer coastal waters, some types of falters can be found as deep as 35,000 feet. Despite the great pollution of the sea, the excessive commercial fishing, and the wild population, the flounder population is still large and stable.

Size and weight

The flounder can reach 5-25 inches in length. The females are always larger than the males.

Description and body

The body color of the flounder depends on the habitat. Usually can be obtained flounder colored orange in color, with green and blue-red markings on the brown body. It can change the color of the body to mix it with the colors of the environment within 2-8 seconds.

Body color also indicates the emotional state of the flounder. Usually this type of fish has an oval body with a large mouth. Tail fin medium size.

The flounder has bulging eyes on two short legs that are located on one side of the head. The eyes can move independently of each other.


The flounder is a nocturnal animal (active only during the night).


The flounder diet is based on meat. The diet is based on fish, shrimp and crabs.


The flounder is the predator of the flounder by setting ambushes for this fish. It sets itself motionless and waits for potential prey to appear in the blink of an eye. The flounder is well camouflaged, and is always safe from many predators in the sea, especially while it remains motionless on the sea floor. The flounder uses its fins to bury itself in the sand. Its eyes are usually the only visible part of the body.

The natural enemies of this type of fish are sharks, eels and humans.


The mating season for flounder occurs during the hottest months of the year. Females lay up to 100,000 eggs in the water at the same time as males release sperm cells. The larvae hatch from the fertilized eggs after weeks. It resembles the larva of a typical fish with eyes on either side of the head. It swims freely and feeds on miniature crustaceans and plankton.

The larvae turn into young fish to begin with a few days after hatching. The body begins to stretch, and the dorsal and anal fin becomes more elongated and the young flounder becomes able to swim and is active in movement.

the age

Flatfish can survive a lifespan of 3-10 years in the wild.

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